About tscconsutlants

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So far tscconsutlants has created 82 blog entries.

September 2024

Leadership Mindset


Last week we talked about our leadership identity…but what about our mindset?  In order to really be successful in leadership (and leadership training) we need to understand our mindset which consists of how we think, learn and behave.   So what is a mindset?  It is the “lense” that we use to take in information, [...]

Leadership Mindset2024-08-27T16:26:53+00:00

Leadership Identity


You are a leader…but what is your real identity?  In my opining, leadership identity is how I view myself as a leader.  It encompasses my attitude, my behavior and the impact I can make. Let’s first talk about our attitude as a leader.  My leadership skills include how I “show up” and how I [...]

Leadership Identity2024-08-27T16:25:02+00:00

August 2024

Leadership Importance


Leadership…we all know that it is important but WHY is it important and what does it really mean?  Being a leader may be one of the hardest things that we do but being a great leader can also be one of the most rewarding things in our life.  Leadership is the ability to inspire, [...]

Leadership Importance2024-08-27T16:22:57+00:00



I would hope that many people would say that I am kind.  I often smile at people, provide encouragement or let them borrow something which are all acts of kindness.  But is there more that we can do to be “kind”? Kindness can be shown in many ways like I mentioned above but can [...]

BE KIND2024-08-07T19:27:17+00:00

July 2024



How can we become a Champion?  And I am not talking a champion in the athletic sense of the word but instead being a champion in our life. There are so many things that we can do to be our own champion like asking for what we want, setting bigger goals, never compromising our [...]

BE YOUR CHAMPION2024-07-31T16:01:50+00:00



We all have had that time (and probably many times) when we were un-realistic with ourselves.  It is also proven that negative and unrealistic thoughts (pessimism) is not good for our health.  Instead we should be realistically optimistic… blending our hopeful mindset with a practical approach to life. We have to learn to manage [...]

BE REALISTIC2024-07-23T21:08:00+00:00



We are all grateful for so many things in life…but sometimes life gets in the way of our gratitude.  How do we learn to live in the contentment of the moment?  How do we focus on the positive aspect of life? And how do we do that every day? It is a known fact [...]

BE GRATEFUL2024-07-17T14:34:47+00:00



Let’s talk this week about being INTENTIONAL!  There are so many pieces of intentionality when we talk about ourselves.  One of the biggest pieces of being intentional is that we make choices based on our personal values, beliefs and goals. When we talk about being intentional, it doesn’t mean that we have to change [...]

BE INTENTIONAL2024-07-11T16:50:34+00:00
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