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So far tscconsutlants has created 58 blog entries.

October 2024

Why I love Disney – Snow White


We will start with Snow White who was the first “official” princess on the list.  Snow White forever remains a classic with her befriending the dwarves, being poisoned by her stepmother and being saved by Prince Charming.  Isn’t that the true fairy tale story of a princess? The story of Snow White came from the Brothers Grimm fairy [...]

Why I love Disney – Snow White2024-10-14T19:35:15+00:00

Why I love Disney


I am starting this new series about what we can learn from Disney Princesses but before I get to that I want to talk about why I love Disney.  There is a term out there called a “Disney Adult” and it is not always used in a favorable manner.  I however, think it is [...]

Why I love Disney2024-10-01T18:10:57+00:00

Leadership Potential


As we talk about leadership, we need to consider what we want for ourselves as a leader.  So here are some ideas to think about.  First let’s talk about self-reflection and really knowing what we want for ourselves.  This includes our goals, our values and how we want to improve ourselves. The first step [...]

Leadership Potential2024-08-27T16:53:54+00:00

September 2024

Leadership Listening


I don’t know about you, but sometimes I don’t listen (my husband would confirm)!  But as a leader, we need to LISTEN!  In fact, we need to be active listeners!  Being an active listener means that we give our undivided attention to whoever is speaking to us and acknowledging what they are saying. When [...]

Leadership Listening2024-08-27T16:50:44+00:00

Leadership & Your Team


As we talk about leadership, we should also talk about our teams.  What are some of the things we need to consider when we talk about leading our team? First, we always need to set clear goals for our team.  Having well-defined goals is key not only for ourselves as a leader but also [...]

Leadership & Your Team2024-08-27T16:29:09+00:00

Leadership Mindset


Last week we talked about our leadership identity…but what about our mindset?  In order to really be successful in leadership (and leadership training) we need to understand our mindset which consists of how we think, learn and behave.   So what is a mindset?  It is the “lense” that we use to take in information, [...]

Leadership Mindset2024-08-27T16:26:53+00:00

Leadership Identity


You are a leader…but what is your real identity?  In my opining, leadership identity is how I view myself as a leader.  It encompasses my attitude, my behavior and the impact I can make. Let’s first talk about our attitude as a leader.  My leadership skills include how I “show up” and how I [...]

Leadership Identity2024-08-27T16:25:02+00:00

August 2024

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