We will start with Snow White who was the first “official” princess on the list.  Snow White forever remains a classic with her befriending the dwarves, being poisoned by her stepmother and being saved by Prince Charming.  Isn’t that the true fairy tale story of a princess? 

The story of Snow White came from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale.  Snow White was both beautiful and kindhearted but was threatened by the Queen, her jealous stepmother.  Snow White escapes when the Queen tries to kill her and finds refuge with the seven dwarf miners.  The Queen tries to kill her again when she disguises herself and tries to poison her with an apple but she is revived by Prince Charming who falls in love with her. 

The moral of Snow White’s story is about the dangers of vanity and jealousy. The Queen’s obsession with being the fairest of them all leads to her downfall, highlighting how destructive envy can be. We often encounter moral dilemmas where we must choose between the right path and the one that appears advantageous in the short term. The story of Snow White reminds us of the consequences of choosing what appears to be best instead of following the best path.

Snow White escapes death several times and ultimately finds shelter with the seven dwarfs.  She endured hardships and remains true to herself and continually maintains her grace and kindness.  The lesson in this is that adversity can be overcome through determination and unwavering character.

The final part of the Snow White story has to do with friendship and community.  The seven dwarfs offer her shelter and companionship when she needs it most.  The sense of belonging and the support of friends and community remain essential in our lives. The story of Snow White reminds us of the significance of building strong, supportive networks.

My lesson:  Having a strong network of friends and community is an essential and important part of our lives!