I just finished an amazing series about Disney Princesses (about 18 weeks worth of princesses to be exact)!  I had so many of you reach out to tell me that you loved the series and that one particular princess really resonated with you.  Thank you so much for enjoying that series as it was really fun to write…and I could have written more (and if you missed it, here is the link:  News & Blog – TSC Consultants)!

That brings me to this week’s random thought (which is my new series).  I often get asked about how I pick what to write about and how do I make it work.  To be honest, it often takes me a while to come up with a theme but when I do, I usually sit down and draft most of the blogs at once to outline what the specific topics will be and then I go back and complete them.

My best advice to others who want to write regular blogs, newsletters or even just LinkedIn posts is to write about something that has real meaning to you.  I know that sometimes you feel “weird” writing about something personal, from your childhood or from your current life, but if it is something that really resonates with you, it probably will resonate with others. The other thing that people feel weird writing about is something that is potentially controversial or currently in the news.  Again, if it is something you feel strongly about or really resonates with you, don’t be afraid to write about it.  But you might need to defend it so be sure you are clear in your message.

As my friend Sheri Fitts would say, nothing blooms brighter than a purpose-driven brand!  What is your brand?  What do you have to say?  What has meaning to you?  What are you inspired by?  Don’t be afraid to share yourself in writing…getting started is the hardest part!

That being said if there is something that you would like to have me write about in my upcoming random thoughts series, let me know!  I will talk about the things that have meaning to me like leadership, career, and maybe even some book reviews and Disney topics!  And I would love to give my thoughts on thoughts that have meaning to you!