I am continuing the break from my Why I Love Disney series this week, but I promise that it will continue next week!  So, let’s talk about the New Year and why we should be excited about it.  Those of you who know me, know that I am not a fan of “resolutions” but when we think of the New Year, we can think of so much more than just a resolution!

When you look at the New Year, think about looking toward the future.  When we look toward the future, we can leave our baggage behind and move forward to the New Year.  So let New Year’s Eve be your signal to end the chapter of 2024 and start a new one in 2025!

There are a few traditions and beliefs that might strike you (maybe even strike you as funny), but here are few you can consider.

  • Having a romantic kiss at the stroke of midnight could guarantee you a year overflowing with love.
  • Stock up on food because having that for the New Year symbolizes abundance.
  • Whoever is the first person in your house after midnight will bring you good luck.
  • Throw open your doors and windows to let the old year out and the new year in.
  • Staying up until midnight and being active is believed to bring good fortune.

No matter what you believe or what you think when it comes to the New Year, set an intention that 2025 will be the best year ever!