As we talk about leadership, we need to consider what we want for ourselves as a leader.  So here are some ideas to think about.  First let’s talk about self-reflection and really knowing what we want for ourselves.  This includes our goals, our values and how we want to improve ourselves.

The first step is set a goal and create our plan to get there.  I love to talk about SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Time-bound).  Set smaller goals that make the larger goal more management.  Also as leaders, we should also always be open to learning.  By continuing to learn, we may consider things that we didn’t consider before which may ultimately lead to new ideas and new directions.

Surround yourself with others that have a positive outlook on life.  Their actions and attitudes will reflect in your own life.  Finally, we all need to take risks at times.  By always playing it safe, we won’t grow or have the opportunity to have that great success. Of course it’s scary and may not go as planned, but failure is not an end…it is a way to learn a lesson and an approach that may work!

Leadership is not an overnight lesson…it is not a fixed timetable.  To lead you must be able to connect, motivate, and inspire your team.  Leading well also requires a continuous journey of personal development.  You can do it!!!