Last week we talked about our leadership identity…but what about our mindset? In order to really be successful in leadership (and leadership training) we need to understand our mindset which consists of how we think, learn and behave. So what is a mindset? It is the “lense” that we use to take in information, make sense of it and then navigate the situation. Our mindset will drive what leaders do and why they do it.
There are several types of mindsets so let’s talk about them and their differences:
Growth and Fixed Mindsets – Someone with a growth mindset believes that people can change their talents and abilities whereas someone with a fixed mindset does not believe that talents and abilities can change. Having a growth mindset allows us to take on challenges, feedback and strategies to accomplish our goals.
Learning and Performance Mindsets – Someone with a learning mindset is motivated toward mastering new things whereas someone with a performance mindset just wants to be recognized as being competent. Having a learning mindset means we are ready to engage strategies, look for feedback and make more of an effort to perform at a higher level.
Deliberative and Implemental Mindsets – If you have a deliberative mindset you are receptive to information in order to act and think to optimize your skills whereas an implemental mindset are just focused on just implementing decisions and not open to new ideas. Having a deliberative mindset lets you make better decisions.
Promotion and Prevention Mindsets – Having a promotion mindset means you are focused on making gains whereas a prevention mindset are focused on avoiding losses. Having a promotion mindset means you are more open to change, have a positive mindset and are more innovative
To be an effective leader, you for sure want to be focused on growth, learning, deliberative and promotion mindsets!